... and finidng it in the everyday.

Friday, November 18, 2011


I mentioned that I am a social worker... that honestly could mean a lot of different things but for me it means that I have spent the last seven years working with foster children, and their parents both foster and biological.  I loved it. However, life sorta happened and I needed a new job so I'm not doing that right now, sigh...  Moving on... While I was doing that I became a Parent Educator, its sorta awesome. I really like teaching and what better subject is there than teaching parenting.  OK so by now I hope your asking, "what does this have to do with SPICES?".  Well, the parenting curriculum that I like the best is the Steven Bavolek Nurturing Parenting curriculum.  One of his key components is that in order to be an effective parent you have to take care of yourself.  I personally think that this is true for just about everything... like in order to be a good wife, or an effective employee, or an informed consumer, you have to take care of yourself. Bavolek says we do this by recognizing our SPICES.  The SPICES are our needs, or to use Bavolek speak "the basic elements of human beings that dictate and influence our behavior. We all have different needs at different times, but they fall into one of six categories.
Social Needs: The need for friendship and companionship
Physical Needs: The need for food, sleep, exercise, sex, air, water.
Intellectual Needs: The need for stimulation of new ideas and thoughts.
Creative Needs: The need to express one's inner self.
Emotional Needs: The need for love, praise, security, trust, etc.
Spiritual Needs: The need for belonging and membership. The need to believe in the power of goodness."

I have historically not done so good at taking care of myself.  So I'm making goals for myself in each of these categories, and well that is what I intend to blog about.  Mostly... I am sure other stuff will make it in as well.

My Goals:
Social:           I will participate in three social activities per month.
Physical:        I will exercise at least 30 minutes a day, six days a week.
Intellectual:   I will read one new book every month.
Creative:       I will spend at least one hour per week crafting, cooking for fun, or otherwise expressing my inner self.
Emotional:     I will blog at least twice per week (My very own secret public journal)
Spiritual:       I will attend one new church each month until I find one to belong to.

I also intend to add new goals in each category as I either accomplish goals or they become routine.  I have quite a few but I also don't want to overwhelm myself with new behavior patterns.  This feels like a good start to me.  A little daunting but doable. I hope. with support. Right?

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